New book announcement!

I'm pleased to announce I have a new book coming out! Fever is a supernatural horror novel about a group of people who join the 1897 Klondike gold rush. But soon after they arrive in the arctic, misfortune and strange occurrences beset them. Will they strike it rich--and if so, will they survive to enjoy their gold?

Though there is a romance, it isn't the focus of the plot, which is why I'm calling it a horror novel. For those worried it might be too intense of them, if you've read Threshold and the rest of the W&G series, it's about the same level of intensity.

Here's a look at the cover:

Fever will release today for my ebook-level and up Patreon patrons, and May 21 everywhere else.

Order direct from this site, and receive 20% off by using code PREORDER20 at checkout!

Preorder the ebook here!

Preorder the paperback here!

Preorder the hardcover here!

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1 comment

Jooordaaaaaan. Have you read Robert W Service? My grandfather used to recite The Cremation Of Sam McGee to me when I was small (too small) and anything that takes place in the snowy wilderness has given me nightmares ever since. I read all your books though so I will do my damndest, but I am waiting for a 100f day. Best wishes, take care of yourself, thank you for the new book, and read that poem if you haven’t it’s actually creepy in a hilarious way when you’re an adult and not five years old.


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